Six Reasons to Come to the Fatherheart ‘A’ School
From the Desk of Father Bruce
The Fatherheart ‘A’ School starts THIS Sunday, May 14th! Here are 6 reasons why you should consider attending:
- An ‘A’ School can be a truly life changing experience. Shay and I were (and continue to be) profoundly blessed by our experience at the ‘A’ School. We gained much deeper healing and peace, clearer direction in our personal lives and ministry, a deeper understanding of the Scriptures and, most importantly, a wonderfully dynamic, more personal and joy-filled relationship with God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I can’t stress enough how transformational the ‘A’ School was for us. And we have seen many others experience the same thing. It is amazing!
- You will have the opportunity to receive healing from past wounds and hurts – particularly wounds caused by your own parents. We tend to shape our picture of the Father based on our experiences with our earthly parents (both negatively and positively). Through forgiveness our hurts can be healed and our relationship with God takes on an entirely new dimension. It becomes much more real and personal!
- The love of the Father is received by impartation. I thought I knew in my head that the Father loved me, but it wasn’t until I had a personal encounter with Him through the Holy Spirit that it became real. I now have a ‘knowing’ in my heart that I am loved as a Son. It makes all the difference! It truly does. At the ‘A’ School you will have an opportunity to receive this impartation of the Father’s love for yourself.
- Our School leaders are fantastic. Team leader Leonard Hays is one of the most loving people we have ever met. He exudes the love of the Father and has incredible teaching and stories to share. Assisting him is Trevor Galpin. Trevor is a UK native who has an incredible ability to crystalize the theology of the Trinity and the Father’s love in a way that makes it easy to receive and understand. He is a lot of fun to listen to, and he also exudes the Father’s love.
- This school is being hosted in our area. ‘A’ Schools are held all over the country, and this will likely be the only School in our immediate area for the forseeable future. We encourage you to advantage of this opportunity while it is in our own backyard.
- The cost of this ‘A’ School is lower that most others. We kept the cost down to the bare minimum of what is required to run the school. The price includes all meals for the week. We have a fantastic local caterer who will be preparing the meals for us. We’ve seen the menu and we are going to eat very well. Yummy!
You will find more event info and can register here. Be sure to download the Application Form (pdf). It contains all the event specifics and details.
Shay and I hope and pray that you will consider joining us for this week-long immersion in the love of God the Father. It has the potential to be life-changing for you just like it was for us.
Blessings and Peace!
~Fr. Bruce